Become Unapologetic and Internationally Known
…An art school that doesn’t just teach you how to make art, but how to sell it.
…A group of peers looking at your work and offering personal, intimate and invaluable feedback
(that doesn’t shut you down or make you question your worth.)
…Producing artwork that you love. And that feels unapologetically like you.
…Finding a tribe of people and art world opportunities that actually make sense for you -
ones that are genuine, aligned, inspired and require zero begging or schmoozing.
Imagine all of this, and…
Making money easily….
Saying that you’re an artist proudly when someone asks?
Speaking your truth, like really speaking it, and watching others swoon, clap and surround you?
Stepping Onto An International Stage and shining?
Waking up every day knowing that you’re doing what you’re here to do and pinch yourself wondering if it’s really true?
You’re an Artist and You’re Here to Do BIG THINGS
You're smart, kind and talented. You probably excelled at most of what you've tried in life. You sure as shit weren’t put here to play small.
You want so badly to be an artist and to live a life you love filled with a gorgeous studio space, travel, a supportive community, and time to create.
You show up and are willing to “do the work” but feel utterly lost when it comes to making a living doing what you love. Could someone please just tell me how to make it all work!??
You’ve tried everything – art school, free online courses, a sh!t load of personal development and self-help work. Seriously. You’ve prayed, cried, set your intentions, tried telling yourself to forget about it and that it doesn’t really matter. You’ve studied other modalities: energy work, shamanism, meditation, therapy, yoga.
You seem to have tried everything but nothing has been able to help you bring your love of art, healing and community together.
But Nothing Seems to Be Working!
Here’s the big, important secret that few people know:
You’re not just an artist. You’re so much more. There is a Creative Calling in you that is dying to get out!
There is no other person on the planet who can do exactly what you do.
No one else could!
See, you’re not just an artist, you’re not just a healer, and you’re not just someone who wants to work in community – you’re all three.
The unique way that all of this comes together in your own life is something the world
has yet to see the likes of. We call this your Uncharted Creative Calling. You’re the Christopher Columbus of uncharted territory who's been told his entire life that if you sail too far out you’ll fall of the edge, never to return!
The Thing About Having an Uncharted Creative Calling Is Just That –
It's Uncharted!
Unfortunately I don’t know a single school out there that’s teaching artists how to make art and how to bring all of your passions and interests together into something that is both wildly creative and wildly abundant, in every way.
I also don’t know anyone who goes into the wild jungle without a guide.
In order to make art and money doing what you love, you have to step into bold, brave new territory.
You have to claim and create your Uncharted Creative Calling.
I Struggled Trying to Be a Successful Artist for Years!
I painted, I dove deep into personal development and I spent two years studying Transformative Art, figuring out how to take my art into community.
All of these things lit me up – individually, but I struggled to find the place where all three intersected.
I loved being in the studio, but didn’t just want to paint.
I called myself an artist, but refused to identify as a starving one. I kept finding ways to take my art into community – I even moved across the world to do it, but all of these things on their own weren’t enough.
Often, two of these three would intersect, but it wasn’t until I found a way to bring all of these things together and share them with others, that things clicked.
Finally, a Field Guide to Help You...
Becoming Artist is the revolutionary 12 month coaching program that you wish you had in art school.
It’s a map – a Field Guide to Your Uncharted Creative Calling – a step-by-step program designed specifically for visual artists and artistic geniuses (yes, that’s you) who struggle with discovering your Creative Calling.
Because us artists are not quite like everyone else. As right-brain dominant people we need a program that
puts our left brain in service of the right. Which is exactly what this is.
Throughout this 12 month program you will work individually with Jessica and alongside a group of other artists to gain the clarity and conviction you need to finally Claim your Creative Calling and call yourself an artist.
Through Jessica’s gentle and skillful guidance, daily art-making practices, a supportive community of international artists, and the accountability of regular one-on-one and group coaching sessions, you will find yourself saying, “Yes, I am an artist. Yes, I’m here to make art. Yes, I’m here to heal others.”
Using Jessica’s unique understanding that it is only through honouring and integrating all parts of yourself – particularly those that have been unloved, unappreciated and kicked-to-the-curb, that you will find your most authentic creative voice.
As you start to own and unlock your particular genius the doors to your Creative Calling start to open. You begin to know, in your bones, that you are an artist and that the world needs what you have to offer. You begin to embody and act like the artist, and the divine being, that you were put here to be.
Until you’re making your art on a consistent basis it’s nearly impossible for anything else to happen.
Having exhibitions, selling your art, monetizing your mission and building your tribe all depend on this one essential truth: that you show up and make your art when you want and how you want.
During these formative 12 weeks you will work side by side with a group of international artists and learn how to Keep Your Ass in the Studio + Consistently Make the Work You’re Here to Make; artists who just like you, hear the steady stream of voices saying, “Who do you think you are?”and “Am I really an artist?”
This transformative approach to art-making will turn those gnarly internal voices into your biggest allies. Through weekly videos, action steps, journal prompts, accountability and one-on-one coaching sessions with Jessica, you will construct a creative practice that supports you and allows your most authentic work to emerge.
You will examine and get intimate with: Your Big Vision, the Inner Critic, Procrastination, Upper Limiting, Feedback, Resistance, Boundaries, Setting Intentions and the innate wisdom that your own images hold.
You will learn to honour and integrate every creative desire and impulse, create work that pushes your edge and speaks your truth, and feel the confidence that comes with knowing that you can meet whatever arises and come out on the other side with jewels in hand.
Showing your art – the holy grail of being an artist, is an exhilarating and terrifying prospect.
We’ve become conditioned to ask for permission from the gatekeepers who typically grant it.
During this next 12 weeks you will reclaim your power and put your work in front of the very people who are longing to see it. You will exhibit your art in Prague as part of our International Event.
You’ll discover your Divine Right Audience, the conditions that most support you and prepare for a life-changing exhibition in Prague.
Through one-on-one coaching calls and video tutorials you will:
Identify Your Divine Right Audience, Your Ideal Collector and why your work is meant to be in front of them.
Curate and photograph a body of work.
Write an Artist Statement you’ll love.
Use Jessica’s Pain-Free Artist Bio process to write one that is all you.
Price your art.
Prepare a Press Release.
Stand proudly in a room full of people with your art all around.
Create a simple and stunning artist website that beautifully showcases your work.
Speak your truth and own it!
Now that you’re in the flow, making your art and had an exhibition you loved, it’s time to Monetize your Mission and Value your Worth.
Until you believe, in your bones, that you deserve to make a living doing what you love, chances are you won’t.
This 12 month birthing process, Becoming Artist helps you to become the confident, professional artist who creates a Creative Calling you love.
You become the artist who knows how to ask for what you desire, receive it, and create more abundance than you ever thought possible.
You will weed out your old money story, limiting beliefs, family programming, and jettison the Starving Artist Mentality using Jessica’s 10 step process: Manifesting Money The Fun and Feminine Way. Prepare to be amazed!
These 10 Steps and Your Daily Money Mantra will bring you into a healthy, realistic relationship with your finances, call in the money you desire, come into right relationship with pricing and sales and then watch the universe sweep in to meet your clear intentions and embodied desires. Nothing is more magnetic and attractive than this!
Your wealth consciousness will soar, paintings start to sell, doors open!
Now that you’re consistently creating, feeling confident about your art and valuing your worth, it’s time to discover the secret to living out the fullness of your Uncharted Creative Calling.
Through Jessica’s guidance, Group Coaching, and clear line of questioning you will understand how all of your gifts, your particular creative process and your passion for community come together to create your Uncharted Creative Calling.
Over the course of this final 12 weeks you will transition from being “in” the creative process to being able to articulate just what it is that you do and how you can share your gifts with others.
Just like each artist’s art is different, so are each of your Uncharted Creative Calling’s meant to be. Putting your left-brain in service of your right, you will organize your creative process, build your own tribe of brilliant rare birds and bring healing to others through workshops, special projects, community interventions or social practices.
You will learn:
Who your tribe is and how to find them.
Why you, yes you, have the ability to lead and build your own tribe.
How to package your gifts.
The pain that you are helping others to heal.
How to create landing pages and project descriptions.
How to determine a budget, apply for funding and be paid for your offering.
How to sell your services in a way that actually feels good.
How to deliver workshop content – online and off.
The secret to getting raving testimonials.
How to turn all of your passions into profit.
The Gifts That This Program Gives You
Plus over $1000 in Bonuses!
Your first very special BONUS is a complimentary 90 minute Manifesting Money the Fun and Feminine Way Coaching Call.
Once you and I have talked and we’re both clear that this program is for you, I’ll walk you through my special 10 step process to help you creatively, and femininely manifest more money in your life.
These calls are magic and so are you.
The career of your dreams begins with staking your claim and owning your desire in a very big way.
Exhibit Your Art in the 2020 Becoming Artist International Community Event.
Provided you show up for yourself, your fellow artist and submit your Application Proposal for the exhibition on time, you will receive the special opportunity to exhibit your art internationally in Prague and take part in a very special event. This Bonus is unparalleled and another force that will help usher you into your greatest Becoming.
Only artists who enroll in this program are invited to exhibit.
- invaluable -
While you are with us in Prague you will receive a complimentary Artist.Essence Experience designed by Eyenie Schultz, The Technicolor Priestess.
Through a series of special events you will be invited to cross a threshold and step into the next stage of your Becoming and into your full Artist.Essence. This includes an Artist.Essence Style Session, ritual and Photoshoot.
You'll gain international attention for your work, be taken care of in Prague and leave with a gorgeous set of photos that you can use to promote yourself, your Becoming and your work as an artist.
- $250 value -
- $697 value -
Only 6 artists will be accepted.
Program begins January 6th, 2020
How Do I Apply?
This is a one-on-one coaching program for visual artists and artistic geniuses (again, yes, that’s you) who are ready and willing to do
whatever it takes to step into their Creative Calling. It is for those of you who are ready to step into the fire and come out on the other side
as the person you’ve always wanted to be.
Your life will not be the same on the other side.
As such, I need to know you are committed and mean business. To apply, schedule a Discovery Session with Jessica to find out if the program is right for you and if you're right for it.
What Our Alumni Artists Have To Say
Are you ready?
This entire program is built on the foundation of you learning and knowing in your bones, that you have
the power to create whatever you desire – art, money and an amazing career.
You’ll be given the tools and the support you need to have you knowing that you are a powerful creator, and always have been.
Will you Claim your Calling?
Will you be the artist who travels the world and brings art, healing and creativity to others?
Jessica Serran is the Visual Artist and Leader of the Becoming Artist Movement. As a Visual Artist, she makes images that connect others to the truth of their own experiences.
When not making her own art she helps other Visual Artists and Artistic Geniuses who struggle with discovering their calling to become leaders of an international creative movement through the power of community.
Her ability to see the genius in others and give them permission to step into it, combined with a seamless blend of intuition and logic are the force that helps usher more authentic, full-bodied creativity into the world.
Lit up by marketing as much as art making, her coaching programs are changing the limiting beliefs and starving artist paradigms that hold so many artists back.