I’m Not in Love with You Yet
Jessica Serran's art is the work of a stroller in the compounds of her mind. Like the flânerie in Walter Benjamin's passages project of Paris at the end of the 19th C. Serran strolls in her own clandestine territories, and uncovers inner thoughts, while keeping them vague and not fully pronounced.
Looking at the large compositions on wood with the light cream hue, upon which fragments and patches of collage images are depicted, is like a stroll in a pastoral landscape while listening to music by Claude Debussy.
A light sensual feeling infiltrates the soul with the delicate drawings of floating geometric shapes in space, without any regard for perspective. One can look for hours upon hours at the images and let their humanistic quality come to life. It is a love for beauty and aesthetics which underline the concept of this art.
The various elements are distributed in an all-over composition, and several notions are manifested at once. The meaning is generated through the strolling of the eyes from one image to the other. The sensation is, as well, accumulated as if the ideas and feelings are surfacing minute by minute.
Serran creates a dreamlike world, lyrical, contemplative, serene, but one that brings to light the psychological questions of contemporary personal life in an un-tranquil world. By posing various questions on wooden panels Serran works through a course of self-discovery which reaches out and touches, since it is the same process the viewer or the stroller encounters himself, too.
Hagai Segev, curator, April-May, 2019